This ministry sees to the care of unique groups in the assembly, and
designs ministries and programmes to ensure that special needs are
intentionally addressed and such persons addressed stay interested,
engaged and supportive of the overall intent of the assembly to build
congregational and community unity.
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Senior Citizens
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Single Parents
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
The ministry of children and youth serves as a critical link in the
nurturing and safe guarding of infants, children and youth in the
assembly. It takes into account the care and nurturing of this
specialized group through needs based ministries which aims at
bringing babies blessed by the assembly into assembly life, support
children in unique developmental emphases towards accepting Jesus
Christ as Lord and Saviour and the facilitation of a department
satisfying the demands of today’s youth.
Blessed Babies
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Children's Church
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
REACH (Reaching Engaging and Changing Hearts) Youth Ministry
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Sunday School
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
This ministry takes two critical arms of the assembly into account,
namely its financial integrity, and its professional branch. These two
respond the assembly’s internal and external clientele. It serves as a
critical link in facilitating the care of the assemblies human and
property resources as well as support the framework for professional
and volunteer care delivery.
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Assests Management
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Care Taking
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Legal Care
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
This ministry plays that important role of seeing to the needs of
persons who visit during meetings, members needing specialized
attention during meetings, the care of the chapel to ensure that its
preparedness for meetings and other related ministry-delivery
important to the security and wellbeing of persons at meetings.
Chapel Care
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Guest Support
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Lord's Table Care
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Traffic Management
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
This ministry sees to the spiritual outreach of the assembly with the
primary focus of spreading the message of salvation, both locally and
overseas, in keeping with our mandate of “offering hope.” It will seek
to employ all media and strategies to ensure that Maverley Gospel Hall
remains active and effective in the delivery of the Gospel of Jesus
locally and overseas.
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Local Missions
- Cana
- Hamwalk
- Other
- Supporting Misisons and Missionaries
- Missions Trips
- Supporting local and overseas (Brethren) Fulltime Workers
Ministry in Action
This ministry takes responsibility to collaborate the plans of the
elders and pastors in the delivery of nurturing, equipping, teaching,
training, and development of the assembly. It liaises with the elders
and pastors in ensuring that their plans and determinations in the
main teaching ministry, in the Universal church’s special calendar
events in such training and developmental needs are supported and
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Lip Sync
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Praise and Worship
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Sign Language
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
This ministry takes responsibility to promote assembly life and
ministers through a specialized prayer ministry, through the delivery
of programmes for general and special church events and the promotion
of assembly’s life, events and activities through intentional
marketing strategies. The ministry also assumes special care for
Programmes and Special Events
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
Ministry Leaders
Ministry in Action
This ministry takes responsibility to collaborate the plans of the
elders and pastors in the delivery of nurturing, equipping, teaching,
training, and development of the assembly. It liaises with the elders
and pastors in ensuring that their plans and determinations in the
main teaching ministry, in the Universal church’s special calendar
events in such training and developmental needs are supported and