Sunday Program

The Lord's Table Notices (March 9, 2025)

Officiating Minister

Elder Lascelles Bailey

List of Activities

Pre-Meeting Announcements

Welcome to the Lord’s Table

Please wait for the Ushers to receive the Lord’s Portion (Tithes and
offering) that you have laid aside. Please do not put raw cash in the
offering containers, please put your offering in an envelope. You may
have one from the ushers. If you would like, we would prefer you
deposit the Lord’s Portion (Tithes and Offering) to our Account.

Half Way Tree, Bank of Nova Scotia Current Account # 303 5513.

Post-Meeting Announcements

Welcome, everyone present at the Lord’s Table today.

A special word of thanks to the saints who joined in the day of prayer and
fasting here in the Chapel on Wednesday

Brother Lewin and the family would like to say thanks to you for your support
during this time as you joined the family in grieving with them in the home-
going of Sister Doreen.

Yesterday, being observed as International Women's Day, we want to say a
big word of support and encouragement to the women of this assembly.
During the CE Session, we meet here in the chapel. The sisters will share with

Pastor Black shares with the Saints at Bread of Life this morning. Please
keep him in your prayers

Our Speaker this morning is Bro. Javar Wilson- Cana Gospel Chapel

Pray for Associate Pastor Richard Jarrett, who shares the Word of Life with
us here next Sunday

The Mother of the husband of Sister Joycelyn Rowe, Mrs Doreen
Rowe, transitioned to glory. Her Thanksgiving Service will be held in
Above Rocks at the St. Mary’s Catholic Church on March 22, beginning
at 10:00 am.

The Father of Brother Fitzroy Richards, Mr. Horace Richards,
transitioned last Thursday evening. Please be much in prayer for him
and the family.

The Grandmother of Sister Chevelle Gayle, Miss Alinda Ballentine, is
much improved, and Chevelle is thankful for the prayers of the Saints.

March 13 th - Leadership Training (CHAIRMAN’S TRAINING)
March 15 th - Marriage Ministry Movie Night
March 19 and March 26 – Members Meeting. This is a face-to-face meeting
March 29 th - Care Group Fundraising Banquet – Sister Joan Bucknor to Promote

 Bro. Harold Butler
 Bro. Trevor Gordon – 1 876 898 4147
 Sis. Veta Harrison – 1 876 480 4806
 Bro. Sean Nelson – 1 876 535 9322
 Sis. Carol Richards – 1 876 343 3106
 Bro. Roy Richards – 1 876 497 8583
 Sis. Marva Samuels – 1876 320 8431
 Bro. Clarence White – 1 862 304 3688

Our Christian Education and Sunday School Ministries continue at 10:30
am each Sunday Morning

The Children’s Church Ministry continues every Sunday right after Praise
and Worship in the Community Service. The meeting is held in the Annex
for children 12 years and under.

We observe Monday as our Day of Fasting and Prayer. Please join us on
the WhatsApp platform during the day. We wrap up face-to-face in the
sanctuary and on the Zoom platform with a time of prayer beginning at
7:00 pm.

 This Wednesday Evening, March 12th, 2025, we continue our WholeLife
Meeting on Zoom @7pm. Our Pastor Teddy Jones will be presenting on
“Flourishing Socially”.

This Thursday, MATURE, the Men’s Ministry of the assembly, is
cancelled to facilitate the Training session for Chairmen

Youth Ministry (REACH) continues here at the Chapel on Friday evenings.

We meet at the Cross on Saturdays beginning at 7:00 am.


 1 Thessalonians 5:25
Brothers and sisters, pray for us.

Youth Sunday Programme (March 9, 2025)

Welcome to Maverley Gospel Hall’s time of corporate worship, here at 100 ¼ Molynes Road, where we offer to God our sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess His Name and where we offer hope to the wider community! Welcome to you who join us here in the chapel, and welcome to you joining us from around the world via our live stream and our other platforms. We are happy to have you. Thank you for being with us today.

If you would like someone to reach out to you on anything shared here today, please give us a call or send us a message at 876 649 4706


​​​​​​​Co-ordinator Sharick Lewis/
Gabri-Maliik Morrison


​​​​​​​Bro. Javar Wilson

Cana Gospel Chapel

List of Activities

​​​​​​​Co-ordinator Sharick Lewis/
Gabri-Maliik Morrison

(Praise & Worship Team)


March 9 th - March 15th
Michelle Lyons March 10
Sladley Nelson March 11

Wedding Anniversaries

The Maverley Gospel Hall Marriage ministry, along with the
Assembly’s Leadership and the wider community, wishes to
specially congratulate all married couples celebrating their
wedding anniversary during this week. We encourage you to keep
celebrating the gift you have in each other. We pray God’s
continued blessing on your union.


Our Christian Education and Sunday School Ministries
continue next week Sunday at 10:30 am

We observe Monday as our Day of Fasting and Prayer.
Please join us on the Zoom Platform. We wrap up with a
time of prayer beginning at 7:00 pm.

WHOLELIFE meetings continue Wednesday evenings. This
Wednesday evening, March 12th, Pastor Teddy Jones will
continue looking at “Flourishing Socially”.

This Thursday evening, MATURE, the Men’s Ministry, is
cancelled to facilitate the Training session for Chairmen.

Our Youth Ministry (REACH) continues here at the Chapel on
Friday evenings at 7 pm.

We meet “AT THE CROSS” each Saturday Morning between 7
and 8 am.

There is a Prayer Box made available for you to submit your
special prayer request. Please be sure that every need you
place in the Box will be prayed over, and as necessary, you
will receive a response from us.

Promotion of the School Building Fund Raiser – Sister Joan

​​​​​​​Ephesians 6: 12-24 (NIV)
By: Sis. Anya Morgan

​​​​​​​If you are watching and would like to send your tithe and
offering or make a contribution to the ministry here at
Maverley Gospel Hall, please send it to our Half Way Tree,
Bank of Nova Scotia Current Account # 303 5513

​​​​​​​“Sneakers Parade”

Sis Yanique Ross

​​​​​​​Bro. Javar Wilson

Cana Gospel Chapel

​​​​​​​If you would like someone to reach out to you on anything shared here
today, please give us a call or send us a message at 876 649 4706