Chairman of the Body of Elders
Elder Alfred McDonald is from St. Andrew, Jamaica (West Indies) and
through the ministry at Maverley Gospel Hall (in St. Andrew) he came
in contact with the Lord Jesus Christ and committed his life to God.
In 1978, He was baptised and accepted into the fellowship at
Maverley Gospel Hall where he currently serves as Chairman of the
Body of Elders.
In addition to having served on a number of secular and government
Boards, Councils and Committees, he is a Christian Education Teacher
and lay preacher; Chairman of Blessing Basket International;
Co-Chair of the Dominic Alessandro James Foundation; Interim
Caribbean Regional Director of Youth For Christ; Immediate past
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Jamaica Youth For Christ (JYFC)
and former member of the Board of Youth For Christ International;
Member of the Kingston Keswick Council; Singer, Praise and Worship
Leader and a musician.
Brother McDonald previously served as the Senior Director of
Commercial Development and Planning at the Airports Authority of
Jamaica and NMIA Airports Limited. He is presently the Business
Development Manager at Kingston Wharves Limited.
Elder McDonald seeks to place the Lord at the centre of all he does.
He is married to Kareen, and together they have two biological
children, Ariel and Kristopher.
Elder Emeritus
Chaiman of the Body of Deacons
Ministry of Missions and Evangelism
Ministry of Care and Fellowship
Ministry of Children and Youth
Noel Ellis is the Deacon with responsibility for youth. This area
includes the following ministry groups: Gordon’s Memorial
Preparatory and Kindergarten School, Sunday School, Youth Fellowship
(REACH), Camp and Blessed Babies. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering
Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication from the University of
Technology, Jamaica and an International Master of Business
Administration from Florida International University. He also served
as an Adjunct Lecturer at the Mona School of Engineering, University
of the West Indies, where he lectured in courses related to
electronic circuitry and telecommunication.
He is also responsible for the Audio-Visual Ministry at Maverley and
is a teacher in Christian Education programme.
Married to Tanneice with two adult children, he is a road running
enthusiast and has completed the Reggae Marathon, half Marathon and
participates regularly in 5 and 10 K road races. He has also
completed a sprint triathlon on his 50 th birthday.
Ministry of Finance and Administration
Deaconess Annette Fletcher-Graham has spent over 50 years at
Maverley Gaspel Hall
Her vision for the church is as follows:
Decon in Training
Ministry of Hospitality and Guest Support
Ministry of Teaching Support
Decon in Training
Ministry of Programmes, Promotions, PUSH, and Women
Deaconess Barbara Mitchell has spent over 26 years at Maverley
Gospel Hall
Her Vision for the church is as follows:
To see the church reaching full maturity through engagement,
servitude, teaching and having the full knowledge of who God is. To
see the church be empowered by the word of God and to manifest
kingdom authority through the enabling of the Holy Spirit. To see a
church where practices and power, gifting and talents are utilized
to make disciples. To see kingdom saints engaged in living balanced,
impactful, and purposeful lives in the kingdom. Redounding to the
glory of God.
Ministry of Performing Arts
Sister Benita Morrison is a Christian, having received the Lord as
Saviour at the early age of 11 years.
She has been a member of the Maverley Gospel Hall Brethren church
for the past 57 years, serving as a Deaconess for over 27 years, and
being involved in various ministries including Sunday School, Camp,
Women’s Ministry, Choir, Marriage ministry and the Counselling
Ministry. She played an integral role in the establishment of the
Maverley Gospel Hall Counselling Centre, which existed for a number
of years, and also served as its Director.
She currently is responsible for the Performing Arts Ministries –
Praise and Worship, Drama, Dance, Youth Chorale, Lip Sync, Sign
Language and Senior Choir, with direct responsibility for the Senior
Choir. She is also a member of the Marriage Ministry leadership
Her vision for Maverley Gospel Hall is that we be a body of
believers, united under God, and providing wholeness for all
persons, even as we serve the community in which we operate.
She has been married for almost 54 years to Dennis Morrison. They
are proud parents and grandparents, having three (3) adult
daughters, three (3) sons-in-law, and five (5) grandchildren.
Her favourite passage of scripture is Isiah 40:31 –
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be
weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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